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JRebel – 给IDE安装JRebel插件



Reload code changes instantly

JRebel fast tracks Java application development by skipping the time consuming build and redeploy steps in the development process. JRebel makes developers more productive since they can view code changes in real time.

Eclipse Quick Start

IntelliJ IDEA Quick Start

MyEclipse Quick Start

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不理你。 不要啊! 吃饭。 吃惊。 吃西瓜。 飞吻! 恭喜! Hi 纠结! 膜拜! OK 抛媚眼。 泡泡糖。 抛钱。 忍! 生闷气! 调皮。 偷看。 委屈。 献花。 疑问? 抓狂!